Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Cmo llenar el formulario G-325A para greencard

Cmo llenar el formulario G-325A para greencard Cuando se solicita la tarjeta de residencia  por  matrimonio para el cà ³nyuge extranjero es necesario que cada uno llene una planilla que se conoce como G-325A.   La finalidad de esta planilla (forma) es que el gobierno pueda verificar el historial  de ambos cà ³nyuges, tanto el que pide la tarjeta de residencia, como el extranjero  para el que se solicita. Por este motivo, cada uno de los esposos debe cumplimentar independientemente su propio formulario. Es decir, cuando se envà ­e la documentacià ³n al USCIS hay que incluir en el paquete dos G-325A. Esto aplica tanto a los matrimonios heterosexuales, es decir, entre un hombre y una mujer, como a los matrimonios  homosexuales, entre dos hombres o dos mujeres. Quà © informacià ³n se solicita en la G-325A Escribir el apellido/s donde pone family name Nombre de pila en first name Segundo nombre, si lo hubiera en  middle name Marcar con una x la opcià ³n correcta de sexo. Si se es  varà ³n marcar  male, si si se es  mujer female La fecha de nacimiento (date of birth), empezando por el mes, dà ­a y aà ±o. Por ejemplo, si se nacià ³ el 24 de marzo de 1970 hay que escribir 03/24/1970 Nacionalidad (citizenship/nationality).  Ã‚  No se pide el paà ­s del lugar en el que se nacià ³, sino la nacionalidad actual. Por ejemplo, si el ciudadano americano que pide a su cà ³nyuge tiene tambià ©n otro pasaporte por doble nacionalidad, debe poner siempre USA, no la otra. Nà ºmero de identificacià ³n (file number). En el caso de la persona que solicita a su cà ³nyuge es ciudadano americano  desde su nacimiento contestar None o N/A. Si es ciudadano porque se naturalizà ³, poner su Alien Registration Number, que puede encontrar en el certificado de naturalizacià ³n. Si el que pide es un residente permanente, poner el nà ºmero de ocho o nueve dà ­gitos que comienza con una A y que aparece en su greencard. Si sà ³lo tiene ocho nà ºmeros aà ±adir a la izquierda un cero hasta tener un total de nueve dà ­gitos. En el formulario del extranjero para el que se piden los papeles en la mayorà ­a de los casos la respuesta es None. Pero si en el pasado tuvo un expediente abierto con alguna autoridad migratoria es muy posible que tenga uno. Mira aquà ­ quà © es el Alien Registration Number y cà ³mo encontrarlo. Otros nombres (other names). Por ejemplo, una mujer al casarse puede cambiar su apellido. En este caso,  en otros nombre tiene que poner el suyo de soltera, o incluso el que utilizà ³ en matrimonios anteriores. Esta pregunta se refiere a nombres legales, no a apodos. Ciudad y paà ­s de nacimiento (city and country of birth) Nà ºmero del Seguro Social (U.S. Social Security). El que pide la greencard deber poner el suyo, el cà ³nyuge extranjero, salvo casos muy concretos, no tendr y la respuesta es  None en esa casilla. Si lo tuviera, ponerlo. En family name, donde pone father escribir el apellido del padre y donde pone mother el de la madre. Justo debajo aparece entre parà ©ntesis maiden name. Es para los casos en los que la madre adoptà ³ despuà ©s de casarse el apellido del marido, poner ahà ­ el apellido de soltera. Si, por el contrario, nunca tomà ³ el apellido del marido no ser necesario que escriba nada.   En la casilla siguiente donde pone First name escribir el nombre el padre y de la madre A continuacià ³n escribir la fecha de nacimiento del padre (date of birth) y justo debajo en la misma casilla el de la madre En el cuadrado  siguiente escribir la ciudad y el paà ­s en el que nacieron (city and country of birth) Y, finalmente, en la casilla city and country of residence  escribir el nombre de la ciudad y del paà ­s en el que viven. Si uno  de ellos ha fallecido, escribir deceased. En current husband or wife escribir el nombre del esposo o de la esposa, comenzando con el apellido en la casilla que pone family name. En el caso de que la esposa hay cambiado el nombre al casarse aquà ­ en concreto es necesario escribir su apellido de soltera. En la casilla siguiente donde pone first name  anotar  el nombre de pila del esposo o esposa con la que la persona que llena el formulario est casado/a A continuacià ³n su fecha de nacimiento del otro cà ³nyuge  (date of birth). Es decir, la esposa escribir en su planilla el dà ­a de nacimiento  de su  esposo y el marido en su planilla el de su mujer. La siguiente informacià ³n consiste en escribir la ciudad y el paà ­s en el que nacià ³ el  esposo/a del que llena la planilla (city and country of birth) En date of marriage escribir la fecha en la que se casaron, empezando por el mes, seguido del dà ­a y del aà ±o. Finalmente, en place of marriage poner el lugar de la ceremonia, escribiendo el nombre de la ciudad y el paà ­s. Si se celebrà ³ en otro paà ­s, estos son los requisitos para que el matrimonio celebrado en el extranjero sea vlido. En la siguiente là ­nea hay que escribir esa misma informacià ³n, pero relativa a esposos/as anteriores. Si este es el primer matrimonio simplemente poner N/A en las casillas en las que piden el apellido  del anterior esposo/a (former husband or wife. Family name), el nombre (first name), la fecha de nacimiento (date of birth), el lugar y fecha del matrimonio (date and place of marriage) y fecha y lugar de fin del matrimonio por divorcio, anulacià ³n o viudedad  (date and place of termination of marriage). Si hubo anteriores bodas, llenar esos datos en la casilla que corresponda. A continuacià ³n, en applicant ´s residence last five years, hay que poner los lugares en los que se ha vivido por los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os, en orden cronolà ³gico. Es muy importante comenzar con el actual y en las là ­neas siguientes escribir los anteriores. En street and number poner calle y nà ºmero, en city, el nombre de la ciudad, en province or state la provincia o estado, en country el paà ­s y luego en from hay dos columnas, una en mes y otra en aà ±o. Ahà ­ se pone la fecha de inicio, poniendo en nà ºmeros el mes (month) y el aà ±o (year). A continuacià ³n done pone To, y hay que escribir  hasta cuando se vivià ³ en esa direccià ³n. En la siguiente là ­nea donde pone applicant ´s last adress outside of the United States of more than 1 year, si se trata del cà ³nyuge extranjero que vive en el extranjero y ya ha colocado la informacià ³n en la casilla anterior, entonces escribir N/A. La misma respuesta para el cà ³nyuge que vive en Estados Unidos y no ha vivido en el extranjero en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os por ms de uno. Si ha vivido, deber enumerar dà ³nde y las fechas. En la siguiente là ­nea, donde pone applicant ´s employment last five years, escribir por orden cronolà ³gico los empleos. Se pide, en primer lugar, el nombre del empleador y su direccià ³n, a continuacià ³n el tipo de trabajo desempeà ±ado (occupation) y finalmente las fechas de empleo. Comenzar siempre por el trabajo actual. En el caso de haber sido estudiante, escribir student y si se ha estado desempleado unemployed. Si nunca se ha trabajado, escribir N/A. En la siguiente là ­nea pregunta por el à ºltimo empleo en el extranjero (last employment abroad). Si se trata de la planilla que est rellenando el cà ³nyuge extranjero que vive en otro paà ­s, responder N/A, porque la respuesta ya est en la là ­nea anterior. Si est contestando el cà ³nyuge que vive en USA, la respuesta tambià ©n ser N/A, a menos que en los à ºltimos cinco aà ±os haya trabajado en otro paà ­s. Si ese es el caso, poner el nombre del empleador y su direccià ³n, el cargo desempeà ±ado y las fechas del trabajo. En la siguiente là ­nea es muy importante prestar atencià ³n. Si se trata de la planilla que est llenando el cà ³nyuge extranjero, entonces deber marcar con una x la casilla que pone status as permanent resident. Por el contrario, en la planilla que llena el cà ³nyuge que es ciudadano, entonces debe marcar other y especificar por escrito in support of spouse ´s I-130. A continuacià ³n, en la misma là ­nea, firmar y poner fecha   Por à ºltimo, en el à ºltimo recuadro justo antes de acabar la hoja escribir el apellido del que rellena la planilla  en family name. En given name, el nombre de pila. En  middle name el segundo nombre, si lo hubiera. Y en Alien Registration Number, Poner lo mismo que se escribià ³ en la parte superior de la planilla donde se preguntà ³ por el file number. A tener en cuenta al llenar la planilla La planilla G-325A, como todas las del USCIS, es gratuita y se puede bajar directamente de internet. No pagues por este tipo de formularios. Si no sabes una fecha exacta, no la inventes. Simplemente en vez de especificar dà ­a, mes y aà ±o escribe simplemente el aà ±o. Si tampoco ests seguro de eso, puedes escribir que no lo sabes poniendo la palabra unknown. Si bien no es recomendable abusar. No saber una o dos fechas puede ser admisible, pero ms puede dar lugar a que el USCIS simplemente no acepte como buena la forma y pida que se vuelva a llenar.   Este tipo de peticiones de familia (para cà ³nyuge) es el ms frecuente. Pero tambià ©n se puede pedir para los hijos. En el caso de ciudadanos, tambià ©n pueden solicitar a padres y hermanos. Si tienes dudas sobre quà © tinta emplear, quà © hacer cuando el espacio provisto en la planilla no es suficiente, etc, lee este artà ­culo sobre cà ³mo llenar las planillas de inmigracià ³n. Las cosas pueden ir mal La peticià ³n de la green card puede ser negada por muchas causas. Antes de comenzar el proceso asesorarse con un abogado particularmente en casos de persona que se quiere pedir que est presente en Estados Unidos en situacià ³n de ilegalidad, ya que no siempre se pueden arreglar los papeles. Tambià ©n asesorarse si est fuera del paà ­s pero tiene pendiente una penalidad por deportacià ³n y/o por estancia ilegal en los Estados Unidos y le aplica el castigo de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Themes of Shakespeares Comedy Measure for Measure

Themes of Shakespeares Comedy Measure for Measure Shakespeares Measure for Measure offers a number of themes, including: Judgment and PunishmentSexMarriageReligionThe Role of the Female Judgment and Punishment Measure for Measure asks the audience to consider how and to what extent one person can judge another. Just because someone holds a position of power doesnt indicate that the person is morally superior. The play questions whether it is possible to legislate issues of morality and how to do so. Had Claudio been executed, he would have left Juliet with a child and a tattered reputation. She would have no way to look after the child. Angelo was clearly in the wrong morally, but he was given a job to do and followed through. He wasn’t going to legislate against himself. The Duke has fallen in love with Isabella, Claudios sister, so  his decisions regarding punishment for Claudio and Angelo may have been skewed. The play suggests that people should be answerable for their sins but should receive the same treatment as they provided. Treat others as you would like to be treated, and if you commit a sin, expect to pay for it. Sex Sex is the main driver of the action in this play. In Vienna, illicit sex and prostitution are major social problems, resulting in illegitimacy and disease. This too is a concern for Shakespeare’s London, especially with the plague, as sex could result in death. Mistress Overdone represents the casual access to sex in the play. Claudio is sentenced to death by beheading for impregnating  his fiancà ©e. Isabella is told she can save her brother by having sex with Angelo, but she risks spiritual death and the death of her reputation. The play questions whether it is right for government to legislate against sexuality. Marriage Shakespeare’s comedies often are celebrated by a marriage, which is usually seen as a happy ending. In Measure for Measure, however, marriage is used as a punishment, Angelo is forced to marry Mariana and Lucio is forced to marry Mistress Overdone. This cynical look at marriage is unusual in a comedy. Ironically, marriage here is used to regulate and punish promiscuous behavior. Marriage saves the females reputation and gives them a position they would not have had. For Juliet, Mariana, and Mistress Overdone to an extent, this is the best option. Readers are asked to consider whether marriage would be a good option for Isabella, because she could marry the Duke and have a good social position, but does she love him or is she expected to marry him out of appreciation for what he has done for her? Religion The title of Measure for Measure comes from the gospel of Matthew. The plot includes a  passage where a hypocritical deputy sentences a man to death for fornication and then propositions a  woman. The main themes are associated with religion: morality, virtue, sin, punishment, death, and atonement. Its main character, Isabella, is obsessed with virtue, chastity, and her spiritual journey. The Duke spends most of his time dressed as a friar and Angelo has the attitude and demeanor of a puritan. The Role of the Female Each woman in the play is controlled by the forces of patriarchy. They are vastly different characters, but their social standing is limited by the men in their lives. A novice nun is blackmailed, a prostitute is arrested for running a brothel, and Mariana is jilted for not having a large enough dowry. Juliet and her unborn child are compromised by the attitudes she will face if she has an illegitimate child.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Written Summary and Analysis of Assigned Readings Research Paper

Written Summary and Analysis of Assigned Readings - Research Paper Example The samples are divided into three starting with those who started schooling in the 1920. The assumption is that each person went to school for 12 years before they started working. Therefore, years of complete schooling in this analysis runs from 1932 to the year 1969 because the study runs twenty years of complete schooling. This is a correct choice of the sample because the group have finished with their schooling and many are running different jobs or employments. The research relies heavily on existing literature and research as one source of its data. The census statistics proved very important for this research because from it the researchers established a series of unrestricted earning-schooling model from sub samples drawn from it. Such census included the 1980 census, 1960, 1950, and 1940. Other data were obtained from the US office of education, which publishes a summary of the characteristics of the public schools system in each state. From state personal income, the study obtained average personal income per capita data used to indicate family background. In addition, statistical abstract of the US numbers 66, 75, and 85 provided data on median education of the parent’s generation. The main findings of this research were contrary to many other researches. Apparently, the research found out that there exist a positive relationship between quality of schooling and earnings. That is, school quality has an important effect on labour market performance but has no effect on standardised achievement tests. Therefore, labour market is a good yardstick of measuring the performance of education systems. I learnt some new information that the old system in the US required students to be in school for twelve years to start working unlike today when one can start earning quite early. Additionally, I was able to compare the earlier average pays of teachers with the current rates in the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Problem question on consideration and promissory estoppel Coursework - 1

Problem question on consideration and promissory estoppel - Coursework Example The two lecturers wish to remain anonymous throughout the programmes. The Jubilee Media has contracted Bobby Bodgit Ltd (BB), a construction company to build a studio for filming and Voice Over facilities to safeguard the identity of the lecturers. The contractor has promised to complete the work in twelve weeks. However, after eight weeks the contractor claims that the work requires an additional eight weeks to complete and the value of the contract has to be increased by  £100,000 due to increase in the cost of labour. The Jubilee Media has agreed to pay the additional amount to the BB contractor due to the importance of the event. The Jubilee Media hired to Voice Over experts and an editing engineer to edit the voices of the lecturers. The two exerts are supposed to be paid  £1,500 each while the engineer was supposed to receive  £2,000. However, after paying the contractor the additional sum of  £100,000 the Media gets into financial difficulties and offers to pay the voice editors and  £1000 each of which they agreed to take reluctantly. Media should extend the contract period by eight weeks as requested by the contractor. Also, there is another issue as to whether the two Voice Over editors and the Voice Over engineer should accept the payment of  £1000 each from the Jubilee Media as a settlement of the entire amount or whether they should claim for the balances in accordance to the terms of contract. The issue focuses on whether these parties terminate the contract in case the other party decides to breach the agreement. The court has to determine whether the unwritten promises can form a bidding agreement between the parties. Jubilee should claim the additional  £100,000 paid to the contractor BB and request the contractor to complete the contract within the agreed duration of twelve weeks. Similarly, the Voice Over engineer should claim for the remaining balance of  £1,000 from the Jubilee Media after completing the contractual obligation. Finally,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Struggle Of Oil In America Essay Example for Free

The Struggle Of Oil In America Essay Introduction Since its discovery 150 years ago, petroleum oil has become lifeline of the world, the functional equivalent of blood in the human body. The mechanism driving the entire transportation system from automobiles, airplanes, railways, ships to space rockets is based on utilization of energy of petroleum oil. Petroleum products are also extensively used in a number of infrastructure industries that form the core of industrial processes and basis of existence of modern world. However, the petroleum resources of world are very limited and they cannot endlessly meet human demands. Various estimates have put the total extractable oil stock to exist for another 50-75 years if world continues to consume them at present rate. After that the cost of extraction of remaining petroleum products would become much more than the benefits obtained them and world would require new resources of energy to exist. These concerns have already spawned intense research in alternative technologies to meet the future energy needs in the face of an impending petroleum crisis. United States of America is world’s leading consumer of petroleum products accounting for approximately 25 % of total consumption of petroleum oil world over. In 2003, world’s consumption of petroleum oil stood at around 80 million barrels per day, out of which US’s share was close to 20 million barrel (Hirsch, Bezdek, Wending, 2005). To meet these huge petroleum demands US depends crucially on oil imports that is well above 50 % today and continuing to rise upward. This overwhelming dependence on imported oil poses various strategic and security challenges for US interests in the long run. The sharp oil price increases of 1973 and 1979-81 serve as testimony to the dangers of import dependence. Further as the oil sources would continue to deplete, the prices of oil would steadily and inexorably rise until the level when world is faced with an acute fuel crisis. Based on these observations it’s vital that U.S explores alternative technologies and fuels to sustain its development and growth structure. Oil Imports The continuous rise in U.S oil consumption has forced it to rely increasingly on imported oil to meet its expanding requirements. In the past 50 years, oil consumption fell just on two occasions that were marked with international increase in prices of oil, in 1973 and 1979-81.. Domestic production of oil that peaked in 1971 has fallen since then while oil imports have continued to rise, crossing the domestic supplies in 1994 (EIA, 2005). The net imported oil share in the net oil consumption was 34.8 percent in 1973 which went lowest at 27.3 percent in 1985 but since then it has continued to rise against a dropping domestic production levels (Reaardon, 2002). The upward trend in oil consumption and consequently in oil import have continued to take place despite multiple efforts and policy intervention that government has tried to introduced (Deutch J, Schlesinger J.R, and Victor D.G., 2006, 29). As of today with its 20 million barrel per day consumption U.S is the largest consumer and importer of oil, surpassing the combined consumption of Japan, Germany, China, Russia and South Korea (Reardon, 2004).. The share of oil in total energy produced in USA is just 17.2 percent while in consumption it rises to 40 percent that explains the need for huge oil import. Imports constitute 11 million barrels per day that is more than the aggregate oil import of Japan, Germany, and South Korea (Reardon, 2004). For oil imports U.S relies heavily on Canada, Venezuela and Middle east oil with Canada being the single largest exporter country of oil to U.S. However as a group the OPEC dominates among all the exporters supplying more than 50 percent of total oil imported by U.S (Petroleum Navigator, 2006). The total petroleum imports for U.S stood at over 5 billion barrels in 2005 out of which crude oil constituted 3.69 billion barrels which means that oil accounts for almost three-fourth of the total imports (Petroleum Navigator, 2006). Finished petroleum products constituted the second largest import segment with close to 15 percent contribution. The bulk of the oil consumption takes place in the transportation sector, which accounts for the 69 percent of the total oil consumption in US (Basic Petroleum Statistics, 2007). Overall there are five major sectors accounting for petroleum oil consumption. These sectors, along with their consumption share in year 2005 are (Petroleum-EIA, 2006) Domestic/Household: Consumption in 2005 was 869 thousand barrels of petroleum per day Commercial: 386 thousand barrels of petroleum per day Industrial: 5061 thousand barrels of petroleum per day Electric Power production: 545 thousand barrels of petroleum per day Transportation: 13, 825 thousand barrels of petroleum per day. A breakup of consumption pattern in the transportation sector reveals that consumption stands highest for motor gasoline. Average daily consumption of motor gasoline in U.S, according to Petroleum data (EIA, 2005) is 8933 thousand barrels per day. Distillate fuel oil is the second most consumed petroleum product with daily consumption at 2817 thousand barrels. These figures give a realistic view of inevitable oil import dependency U.S for present and future if it carries on the present rate of consumption. Indeed the chances to curb the massive oil imports are slim considering the fleet of 210 millions vehicle that depend solely upon motor gasoline for their functioning (Hirsch R.L, Bezdek R, Wending R, February 2005, 4). As on 1st January 2006, the total proven oil reserves with U.S was just 21.6 billion barrels, which implies that in future U.S would be forced to rely almost completely on oil imports for its entire transportation requirements. As the closer sources shall run dry, U.S’ dependency would shift to further sources from where oil must be transported over vulnerable supply lines, leading to rise in global oil price. The greater risk is certainly compromising with U.S national interests. The oil supply lines would always be at risk against subversive elements requiring another set of huge investment in ensuring safe transportation of oil to U.S onshore facilities. It will also place U.S interests in the hands of oil cartels such as OPEC that may freely manipulate oil supplies according to their own interests. The shortage of oil would be more manifest in coming times as oil demands are growing world wide, especially in China and India with rapidly expanding economy, transportation system and consequently requirement of petroleum oil. Even at present consumption rate there are grave uncertainties on the secure prospects of future supplies within next 50 years time frame, and the rising consumption rates threatens to bring the approaching crisis nearer. United States is thus faced with a great responsibility to secure its future interests without sacrificing its present requirements and needs. This issue forms the topic of the next section. Part II: Alternative fuel technologies The impending oil crisis has finally stirred policy makers in US. A number of approaches are suggested that include a. imposing taxes on oil consumption b. using tradable gasoline permits and c. exploration of new sources of oil ( Deutch J, Schlesinger J.R, Victor D.G. 2006 ). However, the pressing need of situation demands measures that would sustain the present structure while safeguarding the future against depleting sources and rising petroleum prices. As the world’s oil reserves are finite, even measures such stagnating oil consumption and using oil more efficiently are just helpful in delaying the inevitable without offering any permanent solution to the issue. Oil reserves are going down steadily and within a couple of decades prices will soar up inexorably disrupting the economy, industry and society in turn. The only practical solution to this problem is technological innovations in energy field that can reduce dependence on petroleum oil by providing alternative and sustainable sources of energy. It shall serve two immensely useful purposes that are a. minimizing U.S dependence on foreign oil and b. preventing the environment from damages associated with use of petroleum oils and products. The certainty of oil exhaustion has inspired efforts from both government and corporate sector to research and develop the new fuel technologies as a providential measure for survival, growth and progress in forthcoming days of oil crisis. Past decade has seen great thrust on technological researches in alternative fuels. Various new techniques and models have already been introduced in the market to test their viability and capacity to successfully replace petroleum as chief source of energy. Most of these innovations are specifically aimed at transportation sector owing to its liability as chief consumer of petroleum oil and as principle cause of soaring oil imports. Due to distinct requirements of different sectors in transportation, the technologies vary. Passenger vehicles, public transport vehicles and freight transportation carry specific needs that are difficult to be met by a single alternative fuel technology.   Some of the major and most popular of these technologies, where majority of research and development has taken place, are (Aldrich, 1996) 1.Hybrid Vehicle, 2. Bio-diesels 3. Ethanol 4. Hydrogen and 5.Solar energy Following section discusses the technology used in each of these new vehicle-systems and their benefits over conventional gasoline based internal combustion engine. Hybrid Vehicles: As the name suggests, hybrid vehicles combine dual technologies for their operation. Technically they are hybrid electric vehicle with an electric motor that drives the vehicle (Hoogma, Kemp, Schot and Truffer, 2002, 41 ). In the case of a typical electric vehicle, hydrogen fuel cell or chemical batteries such as advanced sealed lead battery, nickel cadmium and lithium ion are used for auxiliary power (Aldrich, 1996). However in the hybrid electric vehicles, the electric drive technology is combined with a gasoline-based power generator for running the electric motor and charging the batteries. Hybrid vehicles are either full hybrid or mid hybrid. A full hybrid vehicle can move forward from standstill purely on electric power while a mid hybrid requires gasoline power for initial movement, although both technologies concentrate on maximum utilization of electric motor power while reducing the use of gasoline as far as possible (Hybrid Terms, 2007). The electric motor and internal combustion engine (ICE) are connected either in parallel or in series in a hybrid vehicle. In parallel hybrid cars, power to engine is supplied by both the electric motor and internal combustion engine while in the series hybrid car the gasoline engine powers the electric motor and batteries to generate electricity, without directly providing power for the vehicle (Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 2007). There is another category of hybrid vehicles, called as ‘plug-in hybrid’ that can operate as a full electric vehicle. They require some additional batteries and use electricity net to charge the batteries thereby minimizing gasoline use to its lowest possible levels (Hybrid Terms, 2007). All hybrid electric vehicle use computer that constantly monitors speed, power required and charge conditions of batteries (Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 2007). Bio-diesel: Bio-diesel, as the term suggests, is a type of renewable fuel obtained by agricultural products and used as fuel in heavy-duty vehicles. The major sources currently under research for bio-diesel are soybean, rapeseed, corn, cottonseed, peanut, sunflower, and canola (Aldrich, 1996, 85). The process of making bio-diesel involves use of an alcohol such as methanol which is treated with oil of selected agricultural produce to form glycerin followed by separation of fatty esters, recycling of excess alcohol and purification of esters to produce a fuel that bears remarkable closeness to diesel, however with higher octane number (Aldrich, 1996, 85). Currently bio-diesel is used when blended with petroleum diesel, especially in European markets, with commendable results. Ethanol: Ethanol as a very long history as an alternative fuel, and it was tried in even 1880 as a fuel option for Ford cars (Aldrich, 1996, 51). Ethanol is derived from agricultural produces by process of fermentation and distillation to form a high-octane liquid fuel. Normally ethanol is not used alone as a fuel, instead it is blended with gasoline in ratio of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline to form a fuel E-85, which is approved as an alternative fuel in US (Ethanol, 2007). The vehicles run on this fuel are called as flexi fuel vehicles. Ethanol has emerged as a successful alternative to fossil fuels in Brazil where more than 4 million vehicles on ethanol based fuel and it is finding increasing application in US as well. The benefits of using ethanol are multifold and they include (Ethanol, 2007) Hydrogen: There are great interests in using hydrogen as fuel in transport industry due to the great flexibility of options and performance it offers. Hydrogen can either be used as fuel in place of gasoline in internal combustion engine or it can be used as energy carrier in fuel cells, the latter being the major research area in automobile sector (Aldrich, 1996, 87). Solar Power: Use of solar power as energy in transportation sector has been subject of intense technological research. While the solar energy has found wide application as domestic energy supply, there are difficulties in their application in transport sector. Photovoltaic cells, that absorb sunrays to provide electricity, are inefficient under the current technology strains and unable to generate even a fraction of required power to drive a normal passenger vehicle. However, solar power has turned as a dependable source of energy in areas other than transport. All the initial costs are high in maintaining a solar energy power plant, its been shown that with increasingly sophisticated technology and wider application the cost of installation as well as generation of electricity can get comparable to normal power plants (Borowitz, 1999,112). Mass Transport System Apart from introducing alternative fuel and technologies to replace and minimize fossil fuel consumption, another area where fuel consumption can be easily reduced is creating a more robust and functional public transport and mass transit system. It is cost effective and time consuming to redesign the existing public transport system, especially in major cities, to cut down fuel consumption by reducing number of vehicles on the road. While airplanes are already a popular and heavily used long distance intercity mass transit system, there are many available areas of intervention in short distance intercity and intra-city transport to provide fast and reliable transit facilities while simultaneously reducing traffic, freeing up space on roads and parking and moderating fossil oil consumption. The transportation system of US, excluding freight transport, is presently divided in two broad categories a. privately owned individual all purpose vehicle transport system and b. public transport system consisting of buses, trains, trams, and metros under the control and maintenance of public administration and public transport companies ((Hoogma, Kemp, Schot and Truffer, 2002, 36-37). Public transport system is usually characterized by low cost, fuel-efficient transit system capable of carrying large number of people on a fixed route (ibid). It has been felt over time that a sustainable and efficient fuel policy needs to incorporate advanced public transport system as one of its key focus area. To improve the services of public transport system, increase its popularity and acceptance among people and highlight its role as an efficient and fuel incentive mode of travel, public authorities and corporations are required to introduce some important policy and technological measures. Three policy measures as highlighted by Hoogma, Kemp, Schot and Truffer (2002, 43)   are 1. Developing an integrated public transportation system where a single ticket can be used to commute irrespective of the number of switchovers made in the process. 2 Development of strong travel information structure in the public transport system, which can help people to navigate to their destinations easily. 3. Providing easy payment facility such as smart cards. These policies would greatly enhance the image and services of public transport system. Additionally the light rail and bus services can be expanded to cover specifically high traffic and downtown areas of major cities. An integration of public transport and private vehicle system can be achieved by providing sufficient parking space at stations and depots of public transport system. It would encourage people to use their private vehicles to access public transport system, resolving one of major issues of limited accessibility involved with mass transit system. Conclusion When fossil fuels were discovered around 150 years back, the existing technologies of steam engines were unable to utilize them. However, soon completely new technologies were developed in the face of these new energy sources and they were used to capitalize on the energy content and efficiency of fossil fuels. Soon petroleum fuels revolutionized the way the world moved and worked. The past 100 years of consumption has comprehensively depleted non-renewable petroleum deposits and estimates give another 50 more years before the remaining available sources would get almost exhausted. This fact is indeed a cause of concern, but only if viewed from existing technological frame. Declining petroleum resources offer the signal that its time to make transition towards different energy sources. Countries that would fail to read this signal or close their eyes to it are certainly heading for a major crisis. But fortunately US has the capacity to read these signals and develop reliable intermediate technologies and systems such as hybrid electric vehicle, ethanol and public transit systems that would considerably reduce fossil fuel consumption without adding to infrastructure cost thereby extending the life period of petroleum reservoirs. Meanwhile research can take place on new age technologies such as fuel cell and solar photovoltaic cells to complete replace fossil fuels as a source of energy. It is possible that if government and industry institute providential policy measures, there would be a host of alternative technologies in transportation sector by the time petroleum oil would get exhausted. But the question is that has US opened its eyes to the approaching crisis of oil shortage and if so, then what are the policy measures that are being taken to avert and stultify the crisis. Depleting oil resources are a reality, and it is certain that within decades oil prices would climb to astronomical height, bringing the entire present system to standstill. The whole structure of US is running efficiently on the energy of petroleum and it would collapse if this energy dries up. The responsibility to start transition towards new system, however, is not only of government but of every person because the future of crisis would be a common future. It would a collective exercise upon to use alternative technologies in their personal life, make maximum possible use of mass transit system and send the message to government and industry that people are ready for the great shift from petroleum oil. Reference Reference Basic Petroleum Statistics. Jan 2007. Energy Information Administration. 31st Jan. 2007 Benefits of Public Transport System-An Overview. 1st Feb-2007. American Public Transportation Association. 1st Feb 2007. Bob Aldrich.. ABCs of AFVs: a guide to alternative fuel vehicles. California Energy Commission, Sacramento-CA. April 1996. 1st Feb 2007 Borowitz, Sidney.   Farewell Fossil Fuels: Reviewing Americas Energy Policy.: Plenum Trade: New York: 1999 Deutch J, Schlesinger J.R, Victor D.G. 2006. Consequence of U.S Oil Dependency: Report of an Independent Task Force. 30th Jan. 2007 Ethanol. 2007. Alternative Fuel Data Center. US Department of Energy. 1st Feb, 2007, Faupel Karen and Al Kukri, 2002. Biodiesel: A Brief Overivew. NCAT Agricultural Specialist. 1st Feb, 2007. Hirsch R.L, Bezdek R, Wending R. February 2005. Peaking of World Oil Production: Impact, Mitigation, Risk Management. 30th Jan. 2007 Hoogma Recmo, Rene Kemp, John Schot, Bernhard Truffer.   Experimenting for Sustainable Transport: The Approach of Strategic Niche Management.: Spon Press: New York: 2002. 36 Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Feb 2007. Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Implementing Agreement. International Energy Agency. 1st Feb, 2007. Hybrid Terms. 1st Feb 2007 Petroleum. July, 2006. Annual Energy Review-2005. 31s Jan, 2007 Petroleum Overview, 1949-2005. Annual Energy Review.31st Jan, 2007 Prospects For A Hydrogen Economy. Oct. 2002. Postnote. Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. 1st Feb, 2007. Reardon Jack. .An Institutionalist Critique of the Bush Administrations Journal of Economic Issues. Volume: 38. Issue: 2. Publication Year: 2004. Page Number: 449+ Sanna Lucy. Driving the Solution: Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles. EPRI Journal. 1st Feb 2007. U.S. Imports- Petroleum Navigator.Energy Information Administration. 31st Jan 2007

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Toni Morrison and Emily Dickinson Poetic Description :: Poetry Poem

Toni Morrison and Emily Dickinson use poetic description to engage the reader into the moment. Poetry is a language with different elements. Some say that poetry has to have literary elements such as metaphors and similes. Others stress rhythm and rhyme as the most important part of poetry. Personally, poetry can be about anything and have no clear definition to it. Emily Dickinson’s poem â€Å"Success is Counted Sweetest† has rhythm and rhyme, metaphors and similes. In Morrison’s novel Sula, the scene where Hannah dies also has poetic elements. In the poem â€Å"Success is Counted Sweetest† the speaker states that â€Å"those who ne’er succeed† (2) place the highest value on success they â€Å"count† it â€Å"sweetest†. In order to understand the richness of this, the speaker states one must feel â€Å"sorest need.† (4). Dickinson states that the members of the victorious army â€Å"The purple host/Who took the flag today† (5-6) are not able to label victory as well as the defeated or dying man who hears from a distance the music of the victors. People tend to desire things more intensely when they do not have them. This poem goes to show that Dickinson is pretty aware of the complicated truths of human desire. Dickinson switches roles and speaks on behalf of the dying man, who hears the victorious celebrating. To the dying man, defeat meant that he had lost everything. This poem causes the reader to think about what success and failure are truly about. To the dying man on the field of battle, barely living would have been a priceless success. Instead, the men celebrating victory are those who won the war. Dickinson uses each verse to relate a different perspective of success and need. In the first, she introduces how those who long for something they never have achieve a greater thrill of achievement than somebody who had the same thing the deprived sought for all along. In the second verse, Dickinson discusses the victorious soldiers who acquired something apparently neither here nor there to their existence. This thought is associated in the final verse when the tragedy and yearning of the wounded is revealed. In Morrison’s â€Å"Sula† the death of Hannah is very poetic. To begin with, Hannah takes a nap and dreams of a red bridal gown. She tells Eva about it, but Eva is too distracted by Sula’s adolescent behavior to think much about it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Ciba-Geigy founded in 1750s has come to many changes in their business strategy from case-by-case decisively to be one of proactive planning for the future with corporate portfolio planning which allowed Ciba to decentralise into diversified businesses. At their latest reorganization, Ciba had five categories: Development, Growth, Pillar, Niche and Core allocated from 14 divisions with 33 sub-business units. Each division in each category has separate responsibility to the whole portfolio, for example, the Pigment division in Core category had the role of cash provider. Therefore, it was difficult for this division to access to capital, major investment would violate their mandate, and payback period was set at two to three years. However, the Pigments division head recently proposed the plan for major investment in comprehensive modernization of a manufacturing plant in Newport which was the only global source for Sfr 130 million in sales of Quinacridone (HPP) pigments. Ciba needed to decide whether or not to invest in Newport and choose among three options: invest fully, invest partially in Newport or close it. Recommendation: Based on Lippuner’s two questions in corporate planning portfolio strategy on new business, there are two reasons for Ciba to treat the investment in Newport as exception to invest. Besides, they should choose option one which committed a full investment of around US $140 million. Firstly, this investment improved Newport plant from high maintenance costs and frequent failure in production to become the plant with the leading-edge standards for productivity, safety, and friendly to environment. This investment also opened opportunity for Ciba to produce DPP, which protected Ciba’s leading market position in HPP pigment when DPP pigment’s patent protection was set to expire in 2000 – 2002. Limited investment in option two did not bring Ciba’s Pigment division the leading-edge knowledge and maintained the capability for innovative edge; therefore, it was out of Ciba’s strategy for new business. Secondly, this investment reinforced synergistic efforts between Pigment and other division in current portfolio. Although it was huge investment in core category, the pigment division still maintained to have a positive cash flow and payback period was within 3 years. Besides, Ciba should learn from the lesson of the pharmaceutical business which uelled other categories and came under difficulty in the recession. The same problem would happen in Pigment segment if Ciba did not invest in Pigment. However, we did not know how much Pigment contributed in the cash flow of the portfolio, so we could not evaluate if the whole portfolio could handle the investment period when there was a short of cash from Pigment. If not, Ciba should choose option three: close Newport and move it to Alabama or Louisiana as a less risky plan.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Perfume Market in China

Strategy for UNIQLO in India Class: Global Strategy – Optimizing your Global Footprint Professor: Mark Roeske Students: Hidenobu Hayakawa Nagasaka Sohta Nguyen Thanh Thi Phuong Waseda Summer Intensive , August 2012 Final Report Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA CONTENTS Executive Summary PART I/ UNIQLO and Apparel Industry – Overview of UNIQLO business – Apparel Industry: Value Chain & Key Success Factors PART II/ Environmental Analysis – PEST analysis for India – 5 Forces analysis for Apparel industry in India – SWOT analysis for UNIQLO’s entering into IndiaPART III/ Strategy Formation – Entry Strategy: Entry Mode – Expansion Strategy: 3 Phases – Implementation Plan: 4P, AAA Conclusion Reference Appendix 2 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Japan is famous for innovation and high-tech manufacturing industries but not for fashion. However, this fact should be reconsidered since th e brand UNIQLO, a true Japanese fashion brand, now can be found in the biggest cities of the world from world-class shopping malls like Ginza (Tokyo), Fifth Avenue (New York) to the streets of Shanghai and Malaysia.UNIQLO is the main brand of Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd (see Appendix 1 for Corporate Profile), the largest producer in apparel retailing industry in Japan and ranks the fourth in the world (after ZARA, H&M and GAP). Mr. Tadashi Yanai, the founder a nd current CEO of Fast Retailing (FR) used to be the richest man in Japan. In this report, we develop the strategy to bring UNIQLO to the world second largest population, India. The reasons why we choose this plan can be explained briefly as following.Fast Retailing aims at becoming the number one apparel retailer in the world by 2020. In order to achieve this ambitious vision, they need to boost up sales from other markets other than depending only on the already-saturated Japanese market. First venturing into international mark ets in 2001, UNIQLO now has worldwide operations, including in the U. K. , China, Hong Kong, South Korea, the United States, France, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan and Malaysia. There are very few big economies in the world that UNIQLO has not touched, which includes India.The reason for choosing India as the next destination of UNIQLO brand is mainly because of the attraction of India itself with a big population and rising GDP growth as well as an warm-welcome legal environment for foreign investment. About the structure of this report, we divide in three different parts. The first one will give an overview of UNIQLO brand, its position versa other world-top apparel brands. This part also explains the value chain of apparel industry focusing on SPA model and its relevant key success factors. The second part provides an in-depth but compact environmental analysis of India n general and its apparel industry. Based on the country and industry analysis, a summary of external and internal f actors affectin g the introduction of UNIQLO brand into India is shown in the SWOT analysis. The last but most important 3 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA part of the report focuses on forming the entry strategy as well as expansion strategy for UNIQLO in Indian market. The main data source for this report is the FR’s latest annual report for fiscal year ended August 31, 2011 as well as information available on reliable websites, which are shown in the Reference.PART I/ UNIQLO and Japanese Apparel Industry UNIQLO of Fast Retailing â€Å"Changing the World with Truly Great Clothing† is the motto of Fast Retailing which show s the corporation’s spirit, vision and strategy. The specialty retailer UNIQLO, the Group’s mainstay operation, has enjoyed strong growth by offering high-quality casual wear at reasonable prices based on its SPA (Specialty store retailer of Private label Apparel) business model, which spans product design, manufacture, distr ibution and retail. UNIQLO’s products range from denim, cashmere, knitwear & underwear to men & women jeans, trousers, shorts, shirts and t-shirts.The first UNIQLO store opened in 1984 and as mentioned above, UNIQLO now has operations in U. K. , China, Hong Kong, South Korea, the United States, France, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan and Malaysia. In 2011, th ey opened global flagship stores in Taipei, Seoul and on New York’s prestigious Fifth Avenue, as part of plans to grow business worldwide. At the end of fiscal 2011, they had 843 stores in Japan and 181 stores in other markets. Their breakthrough products include HEAT-TECH inner wear line, Ultra Light Down jackets and Cool biz line. In Japan, UNIQLO is the nation’s largest apparel retailer, with a 5. % 1 share of the 10. 7 trillion yen Japanese apparel market, and 843 stores nationwide at the end of fiscal 20 11. In fiscal 2011, sales increased 28. 7% year on year to 93. 7 billion yen and operating profit grew 40 . 6% to 8. 9 billion yen. While this is still only a small amount compared to UNIQLO Japan’s sales of 600. 1 billion yen, UNIQLO international’s operations in Asia are providing highly profitable. The total number of UNIQLO International stores stood at 181 at the end of August 2011. They plan to add another 107 to boost the total to 288 stores by the end of August 2012. Fast Retailing’s Annual Report 2011 4 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA The chart below envisions the breakdown of UNIQLO sales in the future: (Source: Annual report yearend 2011, Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd) Apparel Industry The following chart shows the current ranking of major global SPAs in the apparel world (Source: Annual report yearend 2011, Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd) SPA business model incorporates the entire clothes-making process from procurement of materials, product planning, development and manufacture through distribution and retail to inventory management.To ensure the develo pment of products of exceptional quality, UNIQLO has refined its SPA business model to control the entire business process (see UNIQLO business model in Appendix 2). UNIQLO successfully differentiates itself from other companies by developing unique products and minimize store operation cost. This model is described in the flow of supply and key success factors are identified as below: ?1) Product Planning Key Success Factor: Product development based on customer feedback. Market-Out is a one of key driver for UNIQULO to attract consumer where their preference are diversified. Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA ?2) Raw material Purchase Key Success Factor: Material procurement from around the world. The UNIQLO Material Development Team is able to procure high-quality materials at low costs through direct negotiations with and bulk purchases from material manufacturers globally. ?3) Production Key Success Factor: a) Expert technical guidance at factories emphasizes quality in order to produce millions of products of standardized quality. b) Flexible to produce in small unit(lot) ? 4) Sales & Marketing Key Success Factor: Flagship Stores Boosts the BrandUNIQLO is seeking to build its brand through its network of global flagship stores. Global flagship stores serve as hubs to get out the UNIQLO message, and concept of high-quality basics, while showcasing what sets UNIQLO apart from competitors such as H&M, Zara or Gap. PART II/ Environmental Analysis 1/ PEST analysis for India India, officially the Republic of India, is a country in South Asia. Its population is around 1. 2 billion, second largest after China. In term of the ease of doing business, India ranks 132nd, even worse than Pakistan (105th). ? Political factor:About its political system, India is the world's most populous democracy with a parliamentary republic with a multi-party system. However, India ranks 95th over 185 countries in term of corruption rate and the corporation tax is really hig h at 40%. The law was changed in 2011 and it allows foreign companies to have wholly own subsidiary. Although tax and corruption are negative points, there are lots of positive points as the current Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, promised to bring more transparency in work of public servant and create no barriers to investment in India ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: It is an ideal timing for UQNILO to go to India now because from 24th November 2011, Indian government allowed a foreign company to have its wholly-own subsidiary of retailer. However, it needs to pay attention to potential legal risks from Indian inflexible Labor Law, for 6 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA example, practically impossible to fire someone in India, requiring payment of annual bonuses even if the company wasn’t profitable, high compensation for workers that suffer injury/death on site of employment and trend of getting stringent on working condition and minimum wage law enforcement. Economi c factor: India is a rapidly rising power. Its GDP growth rate is impressively high (2009: 8. 24%, 2010: 9. 55%, 2011: 6. 86%). In term of nominal GDP, it ranks 11th in the world. Nevertheless, GDP per capita is very low compared to the other BRIC countries ($1,389, 140th ranking). India contains the largest concentration of people living below the World Bank's international poverty line of US$1. 25 per day. Inflation rate is very high of 11. 99% in 2010 and 8. 63% in 2011. As for apparel industry, the total market capitalization is expected to increase from US$32. billion in 2009 to US$57 billion in 2015. ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: consumer’s demand is increasing more and more in the future. Therefore, Indian apparel market creates a huge chance for UNIQLO. However, India is too big to deal with as a one country, so that cities are important to define business strategy. The first targeted destination should be Mumbai, which is the biggest city in population (12. 5 mil peop le) and its density (20,694/km2) is four times higher than Tokyo (5,541/km2). It is absolutely a very promising business because there is no tariff to clothing between Japan and India from 2010. Social factors: Population growth rate is 1. 4% per year and India is expected to reach 1. 4 billion in 2030. The literacy rate is about 74. 04% (2011) and there are more than 90 million English speakers. This population is divided in the following age structure: 0-14 years: 31. 8%, 15-64 years: 63. 1% and 65 years and above: 5. 1%. Their lands are fertile and very good for agriculture. The weather is various in locations and there are summer and winter and raining seasons. ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: UNIQLO should make unique comfortable products suitable for various climates.Although India provides cheap labor cost, the deviation in salary base in India is very large, 2-3 times difference by education and 20-30 times difference for professionals. Another important factor for consideration is related to the labor union in India. There are about 8,000 Labor Unions and they are very active. 7 Final Report ? [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA Technology factors: India is well-known as the land of IT outsourcing, so the infrastructure as well as transport and communication should be good. Nevertheless, there are more and more blackouts recently.As for textile, India is a big textile producer as being the largest producer of Jute, Cotton, Silk, Cellulosic and Synthetic fiber/Yarn. ?Potential impact to UNIQLO: in the long run, UNIQLO should make its own products in India to take the advantage of cheap raw material and low-paid labor sources. However, they now need to build up their distribution from the scratch. 2/ 5 Forces analysis for apparel industry of India In general, the PEST analysis shows favorable results to the business plan of introducing UNIQLO brand in India.In order to form the entry mode as well as competition strategy for UNIQLO, an in-depth understanding of cu rrent apparel industry of India is needed. The 5 forces model of Porter is applied to identify involving forces of this industry and details are shown below: ? Threat of new entrants: High Barrier to new entrant into apparel industry is low because there are no restrictions and the current Indian government shows warm welcome to foreign investment. On the other hand, â€Å"Functional Fiber’’ could lose its uniqueness and distinctiveness by products from other apparel companies.For example, Private brand from Chemical companies (like Du Pont Company) could be our rival in this category. ? Bargaining power of suppliers: Low As the main raw materials are â€Å"Cotton and Functional fiber’’ and cotton is commodity, UNIQLO can find the cotton source from various suppliers in and outside the country. More importantly, UNIQLO has a strong sourcing of functional fiber from Toray, its strategic partner. They have had a good corpo ration on global base under a lo ng-term contract. Finally, access to distribution channels is not limited and retailers provide shelf-space when they receive listing fees here in India. Bargaining power of buyer: Medium There is no switching cost for buyers. Most of the POS (Point of sales) are PAPAMAMA shop but they are small in size and not able to exercise buying power. However, due to the regulation change in 2010 8 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA with regard to the field of retailer, quantity of mass–retailers has been increasing at urban area, making buyer bargaining power stronger. Consumer spending on fashion products has grown at 7. 1% annually from 2002 through 2010. There is a rising affluence which helps to increase brand awareness among Indian consumers.Indian is among the most brand conscious countries in the world (according to the â€Å"Nielsen Global Luxury Brands Study†). Indian often spend around 100$ on an average for apparel. To them, the most important factor is the l ook and feel of the product and price is also another important factor. Therefore, UNIQLO should market itself as the highly functional and innovative clothing brand from Japan to be sold at reasonable price. ? Threat of substitute products of service: High The substitutes are various from price, quality to brand as well as ease of access to customers.Local apparel manufacturers have consolidated in group and they are strong at low-cost operation. Still people have preference in local style outfit (their traditional custom: sari). ? Rivalry of competition: High India is considered an attractive market for luxury brands, about 50 premium and luxury brands, including Zara, GAP, Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, Benetton, Levi’s etc, have opened stores in India in recent years. Direct competitors of SPAs like UNIQLO (GAP and Zara) have been doing business in India and they have solid portions of market share in the non-functional category. Rivalry among existing companies is fierce.Regardi ng strengths and weaknesses of current competitors, Zara’s strength lies in its ability to quickly bring the latest designs to its stores while Levi’s and Benetton strengths are in their supply chains as they have been in India for more than 10 years. Shopper’s stop and Provogue are local players and they are available in more locations of customer attraction. However, current competitors also have weaknesses like: due to fewer seasonal variations, driving new fashions every season hasn’t been easy for them. Except Benetton, most of other brands do not offer traditional (embroidery) and colorful stuff, which Indians prefer more.Some of the competitors do not have good distribution infrastructure. In brief, the market in India is still in its early ages and is growing at a high rate. A lot of other premium brands are planning to open their stores in India soon. Market size is big especially in its tier-1 three most populous cities namely Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore (more than 30 million people in total). 9 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA UNIQLO targets customers of all ages and genders, but in its first bricks, it should focus on customer aging from 15-64 and who is more brand conscious.The targeted customers should earn more than $100 dollars per month to afford UNIQLO products. 3/ SWOT analysis for UNIQLO in India The overview of UNIQLO business and the results of PEST and 5 forces analysis help us recognize the external factors and internal factors affecting to the investment decision and strategy formation of UNIQLO in India. All important factors are summarized in the SWOT frameworks below: Strengths Weakness – High quality, functional products for wide range of customer and to be sold at – UNIQLO originally had image of cheap clothes for everybody with basic designs Japanese culture is still the core value of FR reasonable price – Being famous for innovative products back up by Japan technolo gy innovation while Indian working culture is very much different. – Having strategic cooperation with suppliers (TORAY) – Shortage of global human resources due to the language barriers. – Having strong global footprint – Lack of well-established distribution network – Good SCM with SPA model – The financial status is very healthy Opportunities Threats – Increasing demand of functional products with high-tech and innovative materials in government welcomes oreign investment (apparel) – High Yen – Increase of purchasing power and brand consciousness in India price for market share. – Instability of consumption tax and regulations the second populous world. – Indian – Strong competition which may cause a war of – Different wear behavior of targeted customers and poor access to shopping centers – The global economic downturn and Indian slow GDP growth – Social matters (labor union, war with Afghan, security risk, market exit) – High rental at shopping mall 10 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA PART III/ Strategy Formation 1/ StrategyBased on environmental analysis as well as strengths and weaknesses of UNIQLO, following is the suggested strategies for UNIQLO upon entering into India. Vision: Becoming the number one lifestyle apparel SPA in India in next 10 years. ? Value Positioning: highly functional clothes selling at middle to high price ? Competitive strategy: Differentiation by innovative product and aiming to be creator of new clothe types (ex: HEAT-TECH or Ultra Light Down Jacket lines) ? Targeted segmentation: Customer aging from 15 to 64 years old of both genders, belonging to the social classes having medium and high-income, living in urban area. Entry mode: first entering as a wholly-own subsidiary of Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd and later expand the store networks through alliance with strategic retailers or franchising/licensing models . UNIQLO had very successful business results with the wholly-own branch model in other countries like China, US and EU, which should be an advantage for them in India. ? Expansion Strategy: Phase-based model Phase 1 (Year 1 – Year 2) Market penetration & Brand and Network building Target: Having piloted 5 big-sized stores in the five most condensed shopping malls of Mumbai (5 stores) Phase 2 (Year 3- Year 5)Brand building & Regional expansion Target: Having 10 stores in malls of 4 big cities: Mumbai, Delhi, new Delhi and Bangalore (40 stores) Phase 3 (Year 6 ~ Year 10) Brand strengthening & National expansion Target: Building the first flagship store in Mumbai and having in total 100 stores nation-wide (1 flagship and 100 stores) 2/ Implementation plan: To realize the above strategy, 4P marketing framework has been applied and details are shown in the table below: 11 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA Products Place – Phase 1: emphasize functional inner wear à ¢â‚¬â€œ Phase 1: start from big-sized stores in top-tier ine (heat-up and cool-biz types). This makes shopping malls in Mumbai and corporate with Indian more comfortable when combining domestic retailers who are easy to be controlled UNIQLO innerwear with their traditional by UNIQLO. sari. – Phase 2: develop various stores in big and – Phase 2: offer diverse casual apparel small shopping malls in top 4 biggest cities products of vivid designs for men and including Mumbai, Delhi, New Delhi, and women for any occasions. (T-shirt, sleeveless Bangalore. dress, jackets, jeans, etc ) – Phase 3: design styles and develop materials for Indian market to turn UNIQLO as the Phase 3: Open one world-class flagship store in Mumbai and increase the store quantity through franchising or licensing nation-wide. leading lifestyle clothes for domestic people. Price Promotion – Pricing for UNIQLO in India will be based – The store design, furniture, fixtures and music competitors’ pricing in India as well as its are all carefully planned and coordinated to global price strategy. create a shopping experience that reflects – Considering UNIQLO’s unique differentiated products and the income of target customers, the price will range from medium to high. global UNIQLO's brand concept. Marketing strategy will emphasize on the senses to inspire the aspiration lifestyles as – The possibility of lowering price of some Unique Clothing via strong investment in products is high because GPD per capita of advertising on TVs, journalism and on-line India is still very low compared to other websites. Discounts at weekends and special BRICs. ceremonies will be applied to boost the sales. Moreover, India is a totally different market compared to its home Japan in term of culture, religion and politics. Therefore, in order to win in this market, UNIQLO must follow the triple A strategy for its global operation and planning. Adaptation: India is very big and varies in climate, tribes, religion and tradition. Therefore, UNIQLO has to provide diverse products adapting to wear behavior of localities . For example, in Mumbai, where UNIQLO aims to open first stores, is very hot so UNIQLO's high -tech dry T-shirt would be ideal. At the very end, UNIQLO should provide the specific design and fabric exclusively for India (ex: embroidery products with vivid color). By adapting the firm’s products and services to the local 12 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA context, it can boost revenues and market share. ?Aggregation: India's population is 10 times than Japan and this market is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, if UNIQLO makes a big success in Indian market, they would get the benefits of economy of scale by turning India into regional or even global operation of UNIQLO. Although they now have a production factory in Sri Lanka, India is a very much bigger market connecting to the Asian sub continent. I n the future, all development, production and marketing can be grouped in India as the regional operations headquarter. ? Arbitrage: India has a big apparel cluster and cheap labor force.On the other hand, now in China, where 80% productions of UNIQLO products are there, labor wage is increasing rapidly. If UNIQLO decided to go to India, they can move factories from China to India to reduce to cost burden as well as avoid the threat of intense political conflict between China and Japan. CONCLUSION UNIQLO aims to create apparel MADE FOR ALL, offering the elements of style in clothes that suit diverse values of customers. Therefore, although India is diverse in term of culture and shopping behavior, in the one-world one-market era, UNIQLO has a big chance.According to us, short-term goal for UNIQLO is to set up profitable business model and increase brand awareness. Long-term goal is to be a leading lifestyle brand in India. Starting from high-profile shopping centers, then flagship s tores but eventually UNIQLO would become popular functional casual clothing that its shops can be found in every cities of India. As for organization and operation, to meet up with the huge demand of labor force in the future, we suggest UNIQLO to recruit and train university graduates in India in the same way as in Japan (either in India or Japan).The fresh approach to staff training will facilitate aggressive new stores openings in India later. Finally, regarding the corporate culture, in order to avoid cultural conflicts as well as to preserve UNIQLO’s Japanese Core Values amid Globalization, (UNIQLO is a company born and bred in Japan), they should balance and integrate its Japanese DNA and Indian DNA to feature itself as a new type of Japanese-originated global corporation. 13 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA REFERENCE 1/ Note on Globalization and Strategy http://www. iese. edu/en/files/AR-Apuntes9. pdf 2/ Fast Retailing Latest Annual Report 2011 http://www. as tretailing. com/eng/ir/library/annual. html 3/ Other websites: http://www. jetro. go. jp/world/asia/in/biznews/4ed43b5b0cb20 http://www. jetro. go. jp/world/asia/in/invest_04/ http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index http://ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 http://www. google. co. jp/publicdata/explore? ds=d5bncppjof8f9_=ny_gdp_mktp_kd_zg m=country:IND=ja=ja=%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89gdp%E6%88%90%E9%95 %B7%E7%8E%87) http://ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89) http://www. google. co. jp/url? sa=t=j==s=web=1=0CGAQFjAA =http%3A%2F%2Fcsi. ckinsey. com%2F~%2Fmedia%2FExtranets%2FConsumer%2520Shopper%252 0Insights%2FReports%2FIndias_fast_growing_apparel_market. ashx=LtM0UN7mGIb4mAWmwoG YCQ=AFQjCNE5VELIQ-B385iwXw_VnAjkCscOCw=rXzMNQp0szM7wLXWKzPqXQ http://ja. wikipedia. org/wiki/%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89 http://ecodb. net/country/IN/imf_inflation. html#pcpipch http://www. meti. go. jp/policy/trade_policy/epa/country/pdf/india0408. pdf h ttp://www. google. co. jp/url? sa=t=j==s=web=1=0CGAQFjAA =http%3A%2F%2Fcsi. mckinsey. com%2F~%2Fmedia%2FExtranets%2FConsumer%2520Shopper%252 0Insights%2FReports%2FIndias_fast_growing_apparel_market. shx=LtM0UN7mGIb4mAWmwoG YCQ=AFQjCNE5VELIQ-B385iwXw_VnAjkCscOCw=rXzMNQp0szM7wLXWKzPqXQ http://www. indexmundi. com/india/age_structure. ht 14 Final Report [STRATEGY FOR UNIQLO IN INDIA APPENDIX Appendix 1: Fast Retailing Corporation Profile Index Figure Country Japan Found year 1963 Sales( billion) 820. 35(2011. 8) Net profit( billion) 54. 35 Total assets( billion) 533. 78 ROE(%) 18. 1 Market value (() 14,742 Stores 2088 (10 countries) Employees (full-time) 14,612 Region sales rate 73(Japan):27(Oversea) (Source: Annual report yearend 2011, Fast Retailing Co. , Ltd) 15

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Pick a Title for Your Research Paper

How to Pick a Title for Your Research Paper How to Pick a Title for Your Research Paper It sounds strange, but for many people choosing a topic of a research paper is the most difficult task. Well, thats often true and it can happen to you in any situation when you have to choose something. If you are not given a choice, you can simply accept it. On the other hand, the more options you have, the more difficult it may be to make a wise choice. So, if your teacher has given you a topic to work on, you are the lucky one. But sometimes you have to pick a title for your research paper by yourself. There is one thing to think of before choosing a title. So, ask yourself what you are interested in at this stage of your life. Wouldnt it be great to write about something you like and are good at? However, keep in mind that you write your paper not only for yourself. It will be read by your teachers, and your goal is to write about what you like to make other people interested in it. You have to keep it simple. Write in such a way, that even a child could understand you. Making simple things more complicated is a complete waste of time. Nobody would like to read that. In addition, have a look at the latest news, listen to what people or your friends talk about, try to remember things that you was impressed by recently. This may inspire you to choose the right topic. You can surely choose the title you like, however dont try to be too creative. What seems to be fine for you, may look absurd for the others. Or perhaps you cannot come up with an original idea. In such a case, there are lots of topics students use all the time. Some of them may look trite, but it is just a matter of your writing style, how you express your thoughts, your ability to look at a typical problem from another perspective, your willingness to make usual things unique. Thousands of papers were written about environmental pollution, greenhouse effect, deforestation etc. Nobody has suggested a way out that really works and differs from what the humanity attempted to do with this problem. Who knows, maybe you can write something that can surprise your teacher, and you will get a good grade. As children, we all liked to find out something new in everything that surrounds us. When we grow older, we become less curious for some reasons. Of course, writing a research paper about something you like is a great opportunity to find out something new, share your ideas and enthusiasm with other people. However, if you dont have much time for that, our academic writing service is always ready to help you with your writing task. If you need professional research paper title assistance from experts welcome to our research paper service !

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Losing the Plot 5 Top Tips on Writing a Good Story

Losing the Plot 5 Top Tips on Writing a Good Story Losing the Plot? 5 Top Tips on Writing a Good Story In narrative writing, the term â€Å"plot† refers to the events that make up a story. But how do authors approach plotting a story? And what makes a good plot in the first place? We have a few helpful tips! 1. Plotting Your Plot Once you have a premise for your story, think about where it will go and create a plot outline. You might even want to come up with an end point and work backwards! This will help you get a sense of how the story will progress and how different events will be connected. Many story plots follow a classic three-act structure.(Image: Bratislav/wikimedia) You don’t have to stick to this outline as the story develops, so don’t worry if it isn’t perfect at first. The point is to give yourself a structure to work with so that your writing stays on track. 2. Build a Story Around Character Arcs Plot is important, but it needs to be supported by strong characters. After all, if the characters in your story don’t have believable goals and motivations, how will the story move forwards? One good tip is to make sure your main characters each have a character arc. This refers to how characters change or overcome challenges during the story. To get started on this, think about who they are, what happened in their pasts, and want they want to achieve. 3. Use Subplots (But Not Too Many!) The main plot in your story will be what drives everything forward (the ticking bomb that cannot be ignored or forgotten, perhaps literally if you’re writing a thriller). But subplots allow you to flesh out a story with smaller narrative arcs that develop characters or themes related to the main plot. Adding a few romantic entanglements or mysteries that need to be solved can therefore add an extra dimension to your writing. However, any subplots you include should help move the main plot forward in some way (e.g., by revealing important information). If you add too many unrelated subplots, on the other hand, your story may become difficult to follow. 4. A Twist in the Tale? While your overall story should be easy to follow, you also want to surprise your reader now and then! Think about where you could add a plot twist to complicate things. However, make sure any twists you add follow from the logic of the story up to that point. And it’s probably better to avoid any ending that can be summed up as â€Å"and it was all a dream.† And he was dead all along has been done, too.(Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr) 5. Explain Your Story to a Friend Finally, don’t struggle alone! As with most things in life, writing a story is easier if you ask for help. Before you start writing a first draft in full, try explaining the plot of your story to a friend. If there is something they don’t understand, you may want to work on clarifying how that part of the story fits into the overall narrative. You can always ask for feedback on specific issues, too! And once you have a first draft, we can help with the editing process.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Vermont's Women Organizations and Training Programs Essay

Vermont's Women Organizations and Training Programs - Essay Example This has helped establish the causes of discrimination against women and hence address this issue and help women achieve their political ambition (Goleman 5). The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan league established in 1920 by Carrie Chapman, which does not fund or compete against political parties or candidates. However, the league believes in a representative government and the freedom of individuals as stipulated in the constitution. They also believe that a democratic government highly depends on well-informed citizens and citizen’s involvement. This has encouraged democracy and hence allowing women to gain a political advantage (Goleman 7). The Women’s Leadership Circles of Vermont is a circle of 10-12 women leaders originating from a particular region. Vermont Women’s Leadership Circle was founded by Kerry Secrest of Watershed Coaching, LLC in 2011 (Marla & Kerry 1). It offers influential women the space, support, and tools to lead with precision and self-confidence. The program was formed to cater for the needs of women in leadership positions across all sectors of the economy. Those who participate have a clear vision that drives them toward personal and professional achievement. This helps the women grow in their roles as change-makers. Through these initiatives, the various organizations and groups have been able to help women achieve political mileage. This is because women become more empowered and feel more confident to go for political

Friday, November 1, 2019

Ronald Reagan, Lyndon B. Johnson and Franklin D. Roosevelt - most Essay

Ronald Reagan, Lyndon B. Johnson and Franklin D. Roosevelt - most dominant and active presidents of the United States of America - Essay Example President Roosevelt regarded public welfare considerations to eclipse individual autonomy in importance; however, he prepared to use the influence of the government to force people to act in the public interest. Unlike Roosevelt, we find that Ronald Reagan acknowledged or considered the government as being part of the problem and not the solution in the economic impasse. On the other hand, President Lyndon Johnson was the major proponent of the thought that the government, particularly a big national government, was the best solution to most of the problems of the United States. During the presidency of Johnson, the first debates regarding minimum wage was initiated, being extensively backed by the Equal Opportunities Office. These individuals believed that if the redistribution of income were to be done in an appropriate manner, then a ware rate would actually be a big step (Tim 56-85). Just like Reagan, we find that Johnson also had a dislike for communism and promised to bring it to an end in Vietnam.